An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

You talked, we listened

We asked you to change the future of rainforest conservation with your opinion, to be bold and to say it how it is - you did not disappoint.

World Bee Day 2021

Today is Bee Day. We could have rattled off countless, eye-roll worthy puns, jokes and wordplay, but where would that get us? You wouldn’t know about Cool Earth beekeeping projects happening globally right now or the hives that get people…

People and planet need you to make a choice

Do you remember Earth Day last year? The pristine waters in Venice? Wild boars in Berlin? Nature reclaiming space, rejuvenating, healing in the wake of global lockdowns. It seemed as if our environment benefitted hugely from a lack of lockdown-induced…

Can song and dance save the climate?

We’re not sure if the arts can save the world but we know people living in rainforest can. If you are reading this, chances are you already know that. Song for Nature. At 9pm on 22 April on Sky Arts…