An aerial image of a sunrise over tropical rainforest in Cambodia.

News and Stories

We see incredible climate action take place in rainforest around the world each and every day. Find stories and news to inspire your own climate action now.

Stories shape the future.

Colombia’s first left wing government

Climate action and social justice on the cards for Colombia’s first left wing government.   Colombia has made history with its first left-wing government. Cue Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez, Colombia’s President and Vice President were sworn in in August…

Overheated: Vivienne Westwood speaks the truth

Culture.   Be it youth, music, art, fashion or indeed Indigenous cultures, all are vehicles for communication and connection. In the jam-packed documentary Overheated, we hear from iconic and inspirational cultural figures from around the world. These people speak openly…

Bolsonaro out, Rainforest wins?

Human rights violations? Mass deforestation? Environmental destruction?   Bolsonaro’s presidency has jumped from one crisis to the next and, although current polls in a new election are currently against him, there is no doubt that significant damage has already been…

Sounds that soothe, Harmonic Breathing

Breathe in.   Breathe out.   Relax.   🧘🏾‍♀️🧘🏻🧘🏽‍♂️   Given the state of the world, relaxing isn’t always the easiest thing to do.   Harmonic breathing is here to help change that.

On the brink

Five environmental tipping points A study published today by climate scientists (including Cool Earth trustee Johan Röckstrom), has found that the current global warming rise of 1.1’C is already within the temperature range of triggering five climate…

A life in dedication

A tribute to Her Majesty the Queen Our Director Matthew Owen reflects on the environmental work the Queen has spearheaded throughout her life, as a tribute to her passing. I would like to offer my condolences to the…

Feast on our top 10 blogs buffet

Our top 10 popular blogs since we put our new website live.   We all wish we could spend more time reading right? Knowledge is power. To undo the climate crisis information is one of the many tools we need…

Time to look on the Bright Side

Optimism and the action that inspires. It is not the first thing most people think of when talking about climate, but it should be.   Every three months we send our supporters The Bright Side; an email full of positive…

Emergency relief for the Pakistan flood disaster

Floods in Pakistan – a third of the country is currently under water due to melting glaciers and torrential monsoons. This is a climate crisis. Whether in oceans, rainforests or our cities, climate change driven by carbon emissions has skewed…